College Coaches
Coaches - please contact me with any questions.
Please visit this link for a brief introduction to the entire series:
or visit the Intro Page to see presentations on individual videos
When I approached Championship Productions with the idea of creating this video series the idea came to me with your incoming athletes in mind: the early commitments and early signees that seek guidance, but often get lost in the shuffle of your own in-season or off-season commitments, or who due to NCAA regulations cannot connect with their future strength coaches for advice.
My goals:
- Create a training system founded on the fundamentals I have seen work at the collegiate level. The same foundations of training I have implemented with athletes making the transition to college athletics, and with athletes motivated to maximize performance capabilities in the collegiate setting.
- Create a system that can grow with the athlete over the course of 1-3 years of training: Something for all athletes - beginner through advanced level
- Offer collegiate coaches a "hands off" affective training program to indirectly guide your verbal or signed commitments through the jungle of personal training and performance training facilities
- Give athletes their money's worth - packing more information into these videos than most athletes will need AND ensuring that the training system is affordable and accessible for most athletes in most socio-economic settings
- Use training assignments that can be implemented in almost any gym/training facility, thus allowing athletes to use their high school weight rooms or recreation centers without paying expensive membership fees.
Vol 1: This is a thorough introduction to strength training including a 6 week introductory routine based on teaching the fundamental soy strength training and arming the athlete with tools to progress to more complex assignments. In addition, athletes will be armed with preseason preparation calendars aimed at 4 different performance pathways (Field Sports, Court Sports, Strength and Power Sports…Distance Sport are offered strength training and injury prevention, but conditioning assignments are left to their coaches most familiar with their needs
Vol 2: A supplement to any sport's training program - a guide to injury prevention
Vol 3: Offseason strength training for all 4 performance pathways (Field Sports, Court Sports, Strength and Power Sports, & Distance Sports). Guides for implementing conditioning drills, agility drills, plyometrics, speed drills, proper warm ups, flexibility, and more. This video expands on the information offered in the pre-season preparation manuals and offers much more to the athlete in term of video description of all drills included in their preseason preparation (except for the strength training).
Vol 4: I designed this first with an athlete's parent in mind, but can be used as a sport coaches reference guide or a PE Teacher's reference footage for teaching exercises they may not be too familiar with. The idea behind this video - I want athletes to seek help with the learning process involved with video 1, but if they cannot afford personal training this video will assist someone who may not have the knowledge or the time to commit to fully taring the athlete, but can be there during the early learning pauses to ensure the basics are picks up the right way!
Vol 5: I have worked with a lot of athletes in the past that feel intimidated by the experience of going to the weight room the first few times - it could be a male athlete that feels they are not as strong as their fellow classmates, or a female athlete socially conditioned to think that they will be out of place in the weight room. This video offers a video based "partner" as Kiani demonstrates workout #1 of the introductory workout and Zach demonstrates workout #2 in "real time" - showing athletes the proper pace with technique reminders, so they can focus on following an experienced athlete rather than get concerned with who else is watching them.