Sport Performance Preparation (5 Volume set)
Sport Performance Preparation (5 Volume set)

Get it all!

Order the full Sport Performance Preparation Series (23% price reduction - you essentially get the bonus of volumes 4 & 5 for a combined $20!!), and be prepared for a system of training that can last you for several years. To read more about each DVD and what comes in each volume of the series, click here. Or to find out about other packages to save you money visit the special offers page.

Note: buying the full series of videos through
this website will qualify you for a 25% discount on consulting appointments. Promotions will run from time to time offering free consulting as well - check the detailed description of the full set to find out more.
You must retain your receipt of purchase to receive discounted consultation, or free sessions.
$ 259.95
$ 199.99
Volume I: Strength training to take you to the next level (2 DVD’s)
Volume I: Strength training to take you to the next level (2 DVD’s)
Barry Kagan introduces and teaches the technique and training needs for completion of the Introductory Workout routines that are the backbone of the strength components for entire Video Series (285 minutes/4h45m). For more details on this video click here
$ 79.99
Volume II: Injury Prevention: 100 Prehab drills to keep athletes in the game
Volume II: Injury Prevention: 100 Prehab drills to keep athletes in the game
Barry Kagan introduces and teaches the techniques associated with the broad-based category of Prehabilitation. Coach Kagan presents avenues for improved balance, stability, and proprioception that can be integrated into strength and conditioning routines as an adjunct to strength training through direct exercise prescription or through use as a functional and dynamic warm-up or cool down (144 min/2h24m). For more details on this video click here.
$ 49.99
Volume III: Fit, Fast, & Flexible: Drills for year round performance training
Volume III: Fit, Fast, & Flexible: Drills for year round performance training
Barry Kagan offers nearly 2½ hours of video footage and multitudes of embedded materials focused on preparing the athlete beyond the weight room (148 min/2h28m). For more information on this video, which comes loaded with tools for training, click here.
$ 49.99
Volume IV: Expanded Teaching Methods for the non-strength coach
Volume IV: Expanded Teaching Methods for the non-strength coach
An expansive and useful instructor’s guide. The goal of this video is to allow a non-exercise professional to assist an athlete with the learning process (146 min/2h26m). For more information on this video, click here.
$ 49.99
Volume V: Next level strength training - A real time workout
Volume V: Next level strength training - A real time workout
Collegiate athletes guide new lifters through the introductory workout routine (embedded in Volume 1 of the SPP series) in a downloadable file that you can carry with you on a handheld device in the weight room. This video is not a stand alone product. It must be used in conjunction with video 1 and the associated embedded workout cards. This video is intended to assist the lifter and his coach or parent with the pace, set up, and completion of the routines until the athlete has a sense of how to do all the exercises and how to logistically make it through the introductory routines (146 min/2h26m). Click here for more details on this product
$ 29.99
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