Finding Answers
Volume V: Next Level Strength Training - A Real Time Workout

Volume V is recommended for all athletes planning to start the introductory strength training routine, contained in Volme I of this series. Although it is not a necessity, the complexity of beginning this training system can be intimidating without the assistance of this real time footage. It is extremely beneficial for dealing with:
- the complexity of deciphering training assignments - reading the lifting card, figuring out actual assignments, etc.
- remembering what names go with each exercise
- noting important technique reminders
- more….
The advantage of having this video early in the training process should not be underestimated. There is a lot of information to keep track straight. A couple options to make this video work for you:
Keep in mind - this video does not contain any information not included in other volumes - there is nothing new in terms of information - it is simply an assistive device that you may want to use 4-6 times to create a fluidity in your training when there is so much to remember.
- see if you have a friend/coach/mentor that has a device they can export to, and (a) lend to you, (b) come with you to the wt room the first few times
- if the environment you will be training in is very open and you will not be conducting training at a busy time for the gym, possible borrow a laptop that you could set at a safe distance for reference back to throughout the session
- If you are in a school setting and can easily access a computer throughout the workout, watch a few minutes…go conduct a portion of the workout…return to the video…watch a bit more…do the workout in segments
Keep in mind - this video does not contain any information not included in other volumes - there is nothing new in terms of information - it is simply an assistive device that you may want to use 4-6 times to create a fluidity in your training when there is so much to remember.