Barry does not have any workshops or clinics with open registration at this time. If you are considering having a clinic or workshop and would like Barry to attend, please contact him regarding availability
Sport Performance Preparation Videos
- Maximize the use of Barry's Sport Preparation System
- Understand the magnitude of this training program and the ease of implementation it can offer exercise professionals
If you have a group of personal trainers, private strength coaches, sport coaches, or physical education instructors and would like to have Barry come to you and run a workshop to maximize the multitudes of embedded training programs for athletes with whom you work.
Clinic Presentations
If you are running a clinic for specific sports or strength and conditioning in general, check with Barry about the possibility of being a presenter/speaker.
- Designing a performance training program to fit your needs
- Warm up design
- Flexibility
- Creating your system for injury prevention
- Making recovery work for you